Accountancy Advisory

CAISSA S.C. Acknowledges that accountancy it’s a fundamental part on any type of business, without mattering being of new formation or with a good amount of time laboring, since it is the most truthful radiography of economic, financial and administrative situations available; that’s why taking care of the details and getting involved on the functions and operations of regular and daily-base information is what we are recognized for, so our clients will get the confidence that the information generated from their accounting is reliable, truthful and timely for decision-making, as important as it is nowadays with a changing and challenging business environment.

Fiscal Advisory

Our capacitated team helps our clients inside the legal tax frame, so they can complete correctly all of their individual obligations, depending on their economic activities and sector in which they belong, giving them certainty and security to their fiscal operations.

But also helping the new entrepreneurs who are just getting started on their fiscal reports, to choose wisely the fiscal figure that represents their best option on doing a better development on their activities, so they don’t end up fulfilling unnecessary obligations that may also affects their economic activities.

Administrative Advisory

It’s really important on these times, for the operations of Physical and Moral people, to possess legal and administrative certainty, but also having an established administrative process, where they can mark how, who and why of their activities, which is also present on the operation manuals. On CAISSA S.C. we help our clients on their-self establishing and development, just like with the accomplishment of their obligations from being an association, which are marked by the Law of commercial companies and that nowadays has gain relevance to the tax authorities.

But not only an administrative process helps us to comply with a legal or fiscal requirement, but it also helps the companies to take care of resources of all kinds and makes it easier to have better development and growth. Therefore, for CAISSA S.C. this is the main reason for supporting our clients in this area, since we want our clients to continue growing and us alongside them.

Payroll and Social Security Advisory

Our team constantly helps on the compliance, correct elaboration and stamping of the payroll, and all of the other obligations required from it, on a personal way and timely, avoiding the payment of fines and accessories, caused by an incorrect administration of time or incorrect information.

As well as the registration of new employers at the necessary institutions and secretaries for compliance with the law so that the expenses and contributions made on this caption become deductible from their income, for both the individual and the legal entity.